3 years ago
Dear Colin, Having read Andrew Frankel’s report on the car I’m very taken with the new Caterham 170 and fancy building one from a kit. I know you built an aeroplane from a kit...
By Colin Goodwin
I wasn’t at home the day it turned up so was only aware of its arrival thanks to a text from my teenage daughter which read, ‘GWAGON! GWAGON! GWAGON!...'
By Andrew Frankel
4 years ago
Why are cars getting bigger and heavier? Because in part, as David Twohig somewhat staggeringly reveals, EU law actually encourages it
By David Twohig
12 months ago
A century ago this month, a very great man died in less than great circumstances. Aged just 47, early in the morning of January 5th 1922, Sir Ernest Shackleton called his doctor...
As the white-and-pale-blue bulk of a Co-op lorry fills the road ahead, I know that the good times are over. At least for a while. This bit of the A890 that hugs the southern shoreline...
By Henry Catchpole
It has, to put it mildly, been a while. Getting on for five years in fact. Not five years since the project was merely announced, but five years since the car was actually shown...