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Magnificent Monaco

3 years ago


Henry Catchpole | Journalist


28 May 2022

I can’t remember seeing any when I’ve visited here before and I’m sure I would have noticed. Their masts grace the skyline like bastions of wooden taste amongst the bobbing white froth of plastic and metal below. Rare rigging amongst the pointy motorised bathtubs. Then I wonder if they might have been brought in especially. Yes, that must be it. A couple of tall ships as a token nautical nod to the fact that this is the Grand Prix de Monaco Historique. Perhaps they’ve subbed in a Huey at the heliport.

Years ago I went to the modern Monaco GP and the experience was the whole nine yards. The invite had been sent to Evo’s Editor, Harry Metcalfe, by the laptop manufacturer, Acer, which was sponsoring Ferrari at the time. But it was rather last minute and he couldn’t go. Neither could anyone else in the office. Families. So the invite trickled down the food chain until it fell into my lowly lap.

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