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How To Drive: In the wet

12 months ago

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Steve Sutcliffe | Journalist


15 February 2024

It’s easy to just drive somewhere – to start at point A and arrive at point B having had no incidents en route, mind and body intact. But to merely drive from one place to another isn’t a lot of fun and takes even less skill. And I suspect most of you who read The Intercooler hardly ever want to just drive to get somewhere.

If I’m right, you’re the sort of person who enjoys this mysterious art of driving a whole lot more than most, even if it’s just down to the shops and back.

I’d also suggest you already regard yourself as a pretty decent pedaller because you take pride in the way you drive. And if so, you’d be right. Simply caring about how well you drive puts you in a different league to the average motorist. But we can always get better. Once we pass our test, though, no one really tells us how to improve our techniques. Most of us are self-taught on the stuff that matters most.

So how do we become better at our cherished art? Stay tuned over the coming weeks and I’ll attempt to show you how, including all the geeky tips and secrets I’ve picked up over the years, starting with how to drive well in the wet.

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