Our Cars

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Our Cars: BMW 650i Sport

A budget V8 bruiser, bought for a few thousand. But will it stay that way? Richard Bremner prays to the gods of maintenance bills

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Our Cars: BMW M2

It’s early days but the process of getting to know the M2 is already fascinating. Dan Prosser heads for the hills to commune with our latest long termer

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Our Cars: Que Sera, Sera

Joana Fidalgo had no intention whatsoever of acquiring another small, quirky Japanese car. Right up until the moment she did

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Our Cars: Farewell Volkswagen Golf GTI

It’s out with the Golf, in with the M2. But why? Dan Prosser explains why it was time to say goodbye to his GTI

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Our Cars: BMW M340i Touring

In which our intrepid correspondent finds a design flaw few others will likely spot. Andrew Frankel’s the one just trying to get a little bit of shut eye…

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Our Cars: Volkswagen Golf GTI

Dan Prosser’s Golf came with the perfect specification but, on the road, still felt held back from being its best. Was a set of new boots the answer?

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Our Cars: BMW M340i Touring

After 3500 miles in 10 days around Europe, Andrew Frankel now considers himself fully acquainted with the M340i’s many strengths and occasional weaknesses

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Our Cars: BMW M340i Touring

A powerful six cylinder engine at one end, estate bodywork at the other; could this be the perfect BMW? Andrew Frankel has six months to find out

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