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App or website?

5 months ago

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Dan Prosser | Ti co-founder


16 August 2024

Happy birthday to us! More accurately, happy second birthday to our website. It arrived two years ago, in summer 2022, a year and a bit after we first launched The Intercooler as a mobile app. For two full years, therefore, we’ve published our digital magazine on both platforms. It’s been fascinating to see how they compare, so much so that we thought we’d share some of those findings with you.

The website, rather than the app, is now responsible for almost all of our subscriber growth. New users find us that way, most often via social media or Google search. The website is our shop window. And for the first time, we now have as many website subscribers as app subscribers. Soon that balance will tip in favour of website subscribers and the gap between the two will only grow from there.

But here’s the interesting bit – app users far outweigh website users. You see, however you subscribe to The Intercooler, you get full and unlimited access to both platforms – and they carry the same stories. What we’ve seen is that new subscribers find us via the website, learn about the app later on and migrate across to it to actually read our stuff. The website may be our shop window, but the app is our bustling members-only clubhouse at the back of the store.

The Intercooler app is perfect for use on the go

Clearly the exact numbers are a closely guarded Ti secret, but we consistently see far more subscribers using the app than we do the website. What’s more, the app is – to use the proper digital publishing technical jargon – stickier, meaning subscribers use it more often and for longer. On average, if you’re an app user you’ll visit five times more often than pure website users. You’ll also dwell for twice as long each visit, meaning app users spend 10 times longer with us each month than website users do.

App users read many more articles, they contribute to the comments sections more often and are generally much more engaged with what we’re up to. We’ve seen over the past two years that our app is much more likely to become part of somebody’s daily routine than the website, in part because it’s easier to use on the go and because it sits right there on your phone amongst all your other apps, but also because we send push notifications at 7am every morning alerting you to that day’s new story (if you haven’t already, please do turn notifications on).

If you’re a subscriber and you haven’t yet downloaded the app, you’ll find links below. It really is worth doing if you want to squeeze every drop of value from your subscription. Meanwhile, if you’re a regular app user but don’t ever visit the website, you might consider heading over to once in a while. It’s a fully responsive website meaning it works fantastically well on a mobile device, but it looks its glorious best on a laptop or, better still, a big desktop screen. We’re proud of the original photography we produce working with many of the best car photographers in the business, and their images really do look magnificent on a computer screen.

Our app and website work together in perfect symbiosis, like Holmes and Watson. The website brings people in; the app keeps them here. That’s why we invested a great deal into creating a new, purpose-built app that’s fully integrated with our website earlier this year. And it’s why we’re going to continue adding features and functionality to both platforms. Watch this space.

The Intercooler app – Apple App Store

The Intercooler app – Google Play Store