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Road America: Seven rules for driving in New York City

Much of New York’s transport system was designed by someone who never learned to drive. Driving there is hell on wheels, says Sam Smith, and curiously wonderful too


Road America: Caught speeding in America

It’s the same as being caught anywhere else, yet somehow entirely different. As Sam Smith, his inner monologue and daughter now explain


Road America: The truth about Car Week

On Tuesday Andrew Frankel gave a wide-eyed outsider’s view of Monterey Car Week. Now, through five undeniable truths, Sam Smith tells you what it’s really like


Road America: Why America has the best circuits in the world

Racing in the US is about far more than simply turning left: it also has some of the greatest road courses ever made. But how did they get that way? Sam Smith is your guide


Road America: Why Americans love the Jeep

It’s credited with helping to win the war. Objectively it’s not that good anymore, but perhaps that helps explain why it’s still great, writes Sam Smith


Road America: The terrible wonder of driving in Los Angeles

Love driving in LA? Hate driving in LA? Once you get to know the place, says Sam Smith, the only real answer is: both


Road America: Cool runnings

Sam Smith on America’s addiction to and utter dependence upon the magic snowflake


Road America: The magic of the desert

A young man, an empty desert road, and 530bhp of twin-turbo Porsche. Sam Smith recalls a drive never to be forgotten nor, indeed, repeated

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